• Linux for You

    If you have an older laptop or computer struggling to run Windows or its software, and you don't wish to donate it, consider installing the Linux operating system on it. We can help you do that.

    You can erase the hard drive and have Linux as the sole operating system, but you can also install Linux alongside Windows, in what's called a 'dual-boot' environment, where you can choose which operating system to use when you start your computer. We no longer recommend a 'dual-boot' environment with Windows. Windows updates can have unforeseen results which can negatively affect the dual-boot process for the average user. If a Windows environment is required with a Linux install, we recommend installing Linux and then installing a virtual machine, such as VirtualBox, in which Windows can then be installed and accessed. Then both operating systems, and their respective programs, can be run on the same computer.

    From within Linux, you can choose from thousands of free, powerful programs to install - in all disciplines of computing. Many of them as good as, if not better than, their Windows 'equivalents.'

    Linux can be installed and will run well on computers with at little as 2GB RAM, although 4GB is preferable, and a hard drive with about 200GB of free space is preferred.

    Use the Contact form to ask us about Linux for you.

    More information

    Shamelessly-biased reasons to use Linux:

    Linux: not just for geeks and nerds anymore:

    Must-have applications for Linux users:

    A longer list here:

    And by the way, what is Linux?

    Image of laptop running Linux Mint XFCE, with Linux 'Penguin' Logo