• Donate a Laptop

    Our main donation location is the front desk at Salt & Light in Urbana, IL, which has graciously agreed to be a dropoff and distribution location for donated laptops.

    Please contact us to make other arrangements if dropping off laptops at Salt & Light is not convenient or possible.

    Please ensure that your donated laptop turns on, and has a matching power/charger cord.

    Kindly note what we can and cannot accept.

    Please leave your laptop(s) at the front reception desk for the attention of REcompute/Lisa Sheltra. You will be provided with a donation receipt.

    1819 S. Philo Rd. Urbana, IL 61802

    Mon - Sat: 8am to 8pm.   Sun: 11am to 5pm

    Other Locations

    Danville, Illinois
    Contact Dawn Shepard about making a donation:

    Los Angeles, California
    Contact Chuck Constant about making a donation:

    Atlanta, Georgia
    Coming soon